Saturday, 4 February 2023

Modern Star Wars Coping Strategy

 Star Wars Andor is very good. Kenobi, Book of Boba Fett and the Sequels are very bad. This is a coping strategy.

If you are still too angry at Kenobi, Boba Fett, The Adventures of Rey etc to enjoy Star Wars Andor you might find this helpful. This is how I deal with the bad Star Wars content.

Try and imagine that Star Wars today is coming at us from several different “gospels”

Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi is the saga told by the most respected original historical source, by an engaged classic storyteller for a main stream audience. The Original Trilogy is like Thomas Malory's 'Le Morte Darthur' is to the legend of King Arthur. It's the most respected source and set the template.

The Prequel Trilogy is a gospel based on census records told by a dorky ex diplomat mainly known for terrible romance novels

The Sequel Trilogy tries to explain real historical events but it’s based on juvenile conspiracy theories from a school history class 1000 years after the event.

The Mandalorian is history as pulp adventure story told by a very talented serial writer.

Boba Fett and Kenobi is history told by the primary school kids again, this time with crayons.

Andor is Star Wars history written by an ex-spy ... a source more used to writing desperately down beat realistic content. He probably ended up commuting suicide or getting pushed out of a window.

What does this approach allow us to do? It means the essential story parts of the sequel trilogy, Kenobi and Boba Fett happened, we’ve just not seen the grown up version of the history yet.

For me :

Real events of Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker

The New Republic WAS destroyed by a fanatical high tech sect of the Imperial remnant. Depressing and difficult to explain without juvenile conspiracy theories. One history of the period is entirely told from the POV of one girl (Guess who)

Real events of Star Wars : Kenobi

There are some children who like to think General Kenobi was more active but - really? Most of it turns out to be misdirection put out by Rebellion intelligence.

Real events of Book of Boba Fett

There are a lot silly tales told about the history of Boba Fett, mostly by children who’ve had too much fizzy pop.

Do we have to worry about what is the essential real take on the events of Star Wars? No, again, for me, the real, real events which inspired the legend of a A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far Far Away probably concerned 5th dimensional beings at the heart of a neutron star shortly after the Big Bang. If you want to know why the director of American Graffiti felt compelled need to tell this story with humans as the main characters, in 1977, that is a tale probably best told by Phillip K Dick.

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