Thursday 13 December 2018

Stewart Lee plays Gotham City

I've got back into Alan Moore stuff recently (after the embarrassment of being too shy to meet him at the Barbican) , and have been sucked into reading Doomsday Clock (the sequel to Watchmen) which is a lot better than I was expecting. While being nowhere near as good as Moore's work It's quite a bit better than Before Watchmen

Also coincidentally been watching the latest Stewart Lee
(which also features Alan Moore interviewing Stewart, as a framing device)

And last night found.. in Doomsday Clock issue 3.. 
Stewart Lee depicted onstage in the sequel to Watchmen, getting bottled off in The Joker's bar in Gotham

Now Doomsday Clock has nothing to do with Moore or Lee and this move by DC has probably really aggravated both of them
- but, 
nice touch :-)