Tuesday 22 November 2016

What 2% of the electorate means in US and British Elections

Highly significant 2% majority in the Brexit vote mirrors the winning margin in Hillary Clinton's totally irrelevant popular vote.
The winning margin in the EU referendum was Remain 48.1%, Leave 51.9%. In the Brexit vote that difference translates, in the eyes of the tabloid media, into a change of government and massive mandate for change run by the most extreme faction of the winning side. Should a democratically elected Parliament , or even a judge, seek to question this 2 % majority they are branded "ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE" in rabid newspaper headlines.
In the US Election, as absentee ballots trickle in, so far the numbers show Clinton obtained 48.2 percent of the popular vote, compared with Trump's 46.1 percent. In the US system, actually decided by the Electoral College, that roughly similar majority (approximately 2.9 million voters in the US), means absolutely nothing, as they are in states not considered significant by the US electoral system (which the Democratic Party was fully aware of before, having lost an election for the same reason in 2000).
I hardly need to add the other significant stat here is that both of these votes went the way of ruthless right wing populist parties while the centre left opposition collapsed (yet again) like nice well meaning blancmange.

Everyone knew the voting rules going in and if you don't like them now, tough. Take your problems to the next democratic vote, assuming you can actually be bothered to vote this time.

Monday 21 November 2016

A Brit inside the Clinton Ground Game Pt 2 : Tuesday, Election Day  

Part 2 of 2

We thought we would win. WE. You would think any sensible bone in my body would be anxious to distance myself from what will go down as one of the most catastrophic political campaigns in modern history. Yet, I'm proud. perhaps the explanation for that is in one of these blog posts.

A Brit inside the Clinton Ground Game Pt 2 : Tuesday, Election Day

On the Tuesday, day of the actual election I thought all that would be left would be voting (as per UK) so instead went to a large department stores Sale just off Union Square. I needed to pick up a visitors voucher and found myself having a short chat with a shop assistant on the election.

It was surprising.
Based on the great high of yesterdays volunteering I rather proudly and naively said I was helping out the Dems, expecting her to be pleased. Instead she was instantly guarded and said only this

"You know, people just want change. There are lots of Chinese families in this city, businesses. That have been here centuries. They just don't want to be killed"

I'll cover the latest extent of the awful homeless problem in San Francisco in specially in another blogpost, but one of the striking things about it is that it buts up literally to Chinatown without appearing in it. Where the main street, Mission (the equivalent of London's Oxford Street) seems to have a resident homeless person at least every 10ft throughout its entire length I didn't spot a single homeless person in Chinatown, though one particularly resentful homeless guy, (and their frequent aggression is an issue as well), seems to like camping out on the actual historic Chinese gate leading in. But you never saw him past the gate.

Why is this relevant to the election? It's perception. If the main shopping street of San Francisco, capital of Silicon Valley, looks like Woodstock for homeless people I shudder to think what places Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore and Pittsburgh are like. Crime statistics in the US are actually really improving - but if this is what visitors actually see it's no wonder Trump is getting such support on law and order issues.

Republicans and right wingers love to present the Progressive Left as a soft touch (as evidenced by the performance of Democratic Party - they are). A total failure to deal with the highly visible  homelessness issue confirms all of those stereotypes and I'm sure further perpetuates the problem - much to the delight of racist, suburban Republicans who keep wining electoral votes on it.

Girl on 27th Mission singing beautiful Beatles songs
Anyway, I couldn't find luggage any better than the battered stuff I had so encouraged by FF's txts again I decided to head up to 1001 and at least see if I could bag myself one of the cool Hillary For Pres t-shirts. I'd written by now what I thought would be the story of the election (see Part 1) so I was really just going up to be supportive.

1001 Van Ness rather incongruously sat next to a very 21stC Tesla showroom

I soon found myself sucked in again by the air of fevered enthusiasm and the strange setting around us. I've never been in a tv studio before and the ambient sound proofing and archaic late 20thC fittings made it a fascinating place to hang out. It was like being a ghost from the previous Clinton era, or phantom extras from the classic movie NETWORK, echoing from that biting 1970s Trump campaign prophecy into 21st century reality.

Getting back into the txt campaign again I found myself on several different tables on floor 3, alongside various guys this time with cameras intending to document what we were all convinced would be Hillary's historic win. Four of the guys there were Norwegian, making the latest of several documentary's on the subject and helping out with the txt campaign at the same time.

San Franciscans around us were delighted at the international help but a little ashamed at how far Trump had got. "You must think we're all mad" and "What do they think of us in your country?" I heard several times. Thank god these poor people didn't have to see me later on. I tried to reassure them that in the UK election success for reality tv stars was only a matter of time (The Apprentice still very popular I'm told).

I was asked about Brexit. "It's not really happened over there yet has it?" someone asked. I said the car had gone off the cliff and we were still sailing through the air. Californians seemed to be able to relate to that.

Also set near me was a little old lady checked heavily in Democratic regalia who seem to be a local personality of some kind. She'd ding a bell every time there was some announcement of progress.

She had terrible eyesight and I helpted her change txt campaiugns when required (see part 1). For most of the time at the table she seemed not all there but when I met her on the way out to say goodbye later (when things were much more serious) she seemed a lot more on the ball.

So yes, during the day as we laughed at the responses to our texts and marvelled at the exotic names in Florida as the results slowly came in and were posted up on large screens and elaborately constructed white boards. And we cheered all the good results coming in.

There didn't seem that many.. but we aware all very upbeat, apart from one guy in his 20s with a laptop ("chris"?) who seemed to realise very very early on something was up. I almost had a dig at him for being such a downer, until his girl showed up, who obviously knew him well enough to be seriously disturbed about what was going on.  He wasn't worried about a Trump landslide. That wasn't happening. He was worried about Democratic turnout. Very worried. Like the Brexit vote, which I was doomed to relive again, the decider on this historic and critical election where the people who could just not drag their arse off the sofa because they thought their vote didn't matter.

Like an idiot I kept asking about Florida which everyone seemed to know intimately. "Don't wait for a result there", if it's good, the argument went, it will take maybe weeks to get a good result out of Florida. (Florida declared for Trump in the early part of the evening).

By the end of the day there was still no obvious result and bolstered by listening to two years of media coverage I still did not believe Trump could win. I was still waiting for the party. Late afternoon I only narrowly avoided paying $30 for a cool Hillary 'BADASS FOR PRESIDENT' poster because I didn't have the cash.

By about 4pm they'd stopped updating the newsboards and not long after that various tables started turning up the sound on their laptops turned to mainly CNN. I think it was the tone of panic in Wolf Blitzers voice at about 5pm that brought me to my senses. This wasn't just the bonfire of the centre left but the credibility of the news media and their polling resources as well. They had 6 months of warning from the Brexit vote and the results Trump pulled out in the Primaries and they were still  catastrophically wrong.

In the hot studio of floor 3 we were still getting free fresh water from smiling Dem volunteers and regularly told to stop and do stretching exercises. About 6pm delicious slices of pizza where handed out from a box by the most dejected person I have ever seen carrying slices of pizza.

The txt campaigns themselves had now become desperate requests to voters queueing in Pennsylvania, Florida and Colorado to stay in line until their poling stations closed. Far away across the rest if the country, where Texas had been discussed as a serious Dem target days before, Michigan - which only had a car industry at all because Obama had jumped in and saved it - went Republican. "Wisconsin" said Chris with the Laptop "she could still win if she gets that". He said it quietly, almost a desperate whisper.

By now it was starting to thin out at 1001 but only because volunteers were off to their own election parties. I had two offers myself but with no wifi, no phone data or even txts (5 failed to send that night for whatever reason) I didn't want to risk missing the drama so historical inevitability got the better of me and I decided to head up Van Ness to the official Dem event at the Holiday Inn.
But not before the txt campaign was slowly shut down and the laid back Dem volunteers where replaced by quite pushy, panicked and emotional people trying to talk us into other last minute campaigns. I gave a definite 3rd solid NO to a girl who expected a foreign national with a northern English accent to cold call people at home to tell them to vote for local candidates in states were the local polls were closing in 10-20 minutes. That's when the  optimistic hold-outs on my table all looked around at each other with a collective "WTF?"

Perhaps as a nudge to get me involved next door in the phone campaign I was moved from my table, which at least gave me  chance to explore the building.

When we were told to stop and move on and I half wondered if it was health and safety reasons.

Graveyard of nametags
After the charming grass roots nature of 1001 Van Ness, the Dem Party at the Holiday Inn looked much more professional. I say it 'looked'. Instant access to home made cakes and refreshments was gone, replaced by a long queue for expensive beer (so my Hunter S Thompson drug and alcohol story was off the agenda) while a flood of late arriving people in smart dress took all the seats. Exhausted, sweaty and emotional as I was, some sort breaking point was not far off. The actual breaking point was realising, after a day of bad comms, that there was no free wifi at the Dems official election party without providing a room number at the Holiday Inn. Democrats couldn't provide even free wifi for the people who'd spent days volunteering for them.

For years I'd been hyperconnected to US politics via great wifi in the UK and Prague, and worked desperately to stay in touch during an ill fated trip to Cuba. Now I was in the Capital of Silicon Valley and I couldn't even see the tv screen for news. I couldn't hear her but from one tv screen Rachel Maddow, who I listen to on my London commute every day, looked utterly crushed and professionally humiliated.

I went out into the lobby with a beer trying to pick up some network somewhere only to hear a huge cheer from back in the room.
I thought and raced back in with a few others to find the be-suited grandees cheering the election of a local senator who had apparently agreed to legalise pot. I looked around - the only people here from the text campaign that I recognised were the Norwegian documentary makers, similarly horrified and embarrassed as I was, to find ourselves in the ringside eat for the most horrifying and chaotic family funeral in US political history.

There was one mercy. This room this could have been heartbreaking, to see this happening on the faces of the wonderful people I worked hard for days to prevent Trump becoming President.. But I looked around...
And none of them were there 
No little old ladies
No cute dogs
No enthused smart kids full of beans and enthusiasm.

I looked around at the Democratic election party and it was just Suits. And media.

Eventually I found myself in Holiday Inn's restaurant, mainly because their tv's had subtitles and I couldn't get any decent news at the main venue. After another great local beer (Blue Moon) and the worst chicken wings ever, served by some very sympathetic and diplomatic staff I staggered, barely believing out onto the night on Van Ness, for a very long walk over a very big hill.

As I left for good I saw the Norwegians were still there, looking back with a disbelieving. "You? are still here?" That was surreal - It was like we were sharing each others nightmare.

Exactly a week before myself and FF had found ourselves by pure chance in Tommy's Joynt watching the pure joy of the Cubs winning the World Series. It was a different world now.

Throughout that day I never saw anyone cry. Away from the Holiday Inn, my fellow Brit Jez out on Day street had to console three women in floods of tears. FF was still crying the next day even after a dose of 3D Benedict Cumberbatch at the Alamo Draft House.

By then there was word of street protests all over the country and SF was already beginning to bounce back in it's own inimitable way.

And I heard the word 'CALEXIT' for the first time.

A Brit inside the Clinton Ground Game Pt 1 : Monday, day before Election Day

British tourist volunteers to help with Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign. First of two posts. Part 1 - day before election day. Note that this remains unchanged since it was written - I delayed a day to post it and now it's a moment in time.
Part 2 is obviously more a part of the real world.

1001 VAN NESS - Condemned TV studio is the HQ of San Francisco's Hillary for President campaign

I woke election day morning with a Fleetwood Mac song in my head that was never recorded. It seemed like a good omen.

As part of my SF holiday I was part of the Democratic Party txting campaign thanks to San Francisco professional writer (and now good friend) Fawn Fitter . As a tourist I obviously couldn't vote or donate but I did txt potential voters in Florida, North Carolina, Colorado. (why? see bottom)

Building is the old KRON TV station, designed by local architect Gardner Daily, which has become another victim of local property prices and is due for demolition to become condos. Only the Hillary campaign keeps it standing currently.

The app, called Megaphone, was developed by ex-Google people apparently. It is illegal to mass spam people over SMS network (thank god) and Megaphone gets around this by enlisting volunteers to do this by hand.

It can be downloaded and used on your own smartphone or you can you can use cheap phones provided.
Users connect to a current campaign location (one of about 4-5 for each location) and then receive a list of names in that area. A sample text is sent written by their local campaign office politely suggesting to the person that they vote.

Every half an hour or so you would stop texting the names and deal with the replies, some of which were predictably graphic. Set responses were offered by the app, mostly providing help. We were told to keep personal replies light "We go high".

General consensus was the worst replies were from Arizona, and the most  exotic names where from Florida
- my personal favourite name was 'Ocean Shackleton'
Ocean, if you ever get to read this and you are ever in London dinner is on me!

Every hour or so when the txt reached a threshold a bell would ring and everyone would cheer. If a campaign was completed we'd be asked to move onto another one and help any new arrivals do this if they didn't know how. On the Sunday, perhaps during what FF claimed was large singalong to the soundtrack of Hamilton the musical, volunteers sent 100,000 reminders to vote in one hour.

Dayshift volunteers were mainly very easygoing Californian women sitting intently but quietly around tables with the occasional sweet little dogs with names like 'Roxy' or 'Toast'. Abundant and delicious cakes were provided.

"You're doing this on your vacation?" they said, "you must get out more!"
I'd got out plenty as later posts will indicate.

At 1001 Van Ness  I've never been in a more calm, good natured and upbeat environment. Deep in that crumbling tv studio, where the sun was nowhere in sight I can't think of a more beautifully positive Californian experience. If I'd not been dragged away (to Smugglers Cove) I'd probably be there now, staying in that corner under the spiral staircase in a state of good natured communal bliss until the entire building was torn down around me.

Why did I volunteer?
  • I'm not naïve when it comes to US foreign policy but Benghazi wasn't a result of the actions of Obama or Clinton. The Libyan intervention was led by the French and the British and the US Government found itself dragged along to ensure it wasn't an under -resourced fiasco.
  • Obama's Red Line in Syria was undermined by the British Parliament vote.
  • I was exorcizing the ghost of the Brexit vote.
  • Trump

Tuesday 8 November 2016

"you still think you can control them?" - TOMORROW BELONGS TO ME

Final thought for election day 2016
A song about a new Movement from in the 1930s, taken from a musical, Cabaret.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Official Map of Westworld

Are you enjoying Westworld? I was excited about it months ago - now I've seen the first two episodes I've had to take a vow of silence on the subject to stop sounding like a raving fanboy. I will calm down eventually and when I have something different to contribute you'll read it here.

In the meantime. because I'm a White Hat, I present the official map of the Westworld resort sprung from the official
(not if you are not in the US you will need a VPN to access it)

Click map to see a larger version

Interesting geography - a strange mix of the best of the Wild West without being anywhere specific.
  • You'll see the Man In Black's regular commute from Sweetwater to the Abernathy Ranch hardly taxes him.
  • Is 'UNCLAIMED TERRITORIES' the equivalent of The Black Hills in DEADWOOD?
  • Westworld has a coastline?

Found via this


Trump grabs Evangelicals by the ...

Evangelical favourite Donald Trump
"I Moved on Her Like a B-tch & Grabbed Her By the P–sy!"

is just for the entertainment industry apparently.

I always thought Troma Film's political commentary was really under-rated at the time

Friday 2 September 2016

Presidential debates 2016, Clinton v Trump, days, dates and times for UK

Expect all to feature live on SKY and BBC News channels. They are all primetime US tv at 9:00pm to 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time in US. 
As GMT is four hours ahead UK timings are the next morning at 
2am to 3.30am GMT

1 Monday/Tuesday September 26, 2016
Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York

2 Sunday/Monday October 9, 2016
Washington University in Saint Louis
St. Louis, Missouri

3 Wednesday/Thursday October 19, 2016
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada

VP Debate Tim Kane vs Mike Pense Vs Bill Weld (probably)
1 Tuesday/Wednesday October 4, 2016
Longwood University
Farmville, Virginia

Sunday 21 August 2016

Real world Blockchain demonstration (taxi firm)

Potential benefits of a decentralised blockchain enabled business, as applied to a city tax service.

Real world blockchain demonstration (taxi firm)

Taken from new site at

Sunday 26 June 2016

I'd rather vote for Wolfie Smith than Jeremy Corbyn

A least Wolfie Smith had conviction

and he appealed to a wider social demographic

Saturday 25 June 2016


Seriously, if you think the current leader of the Labour Party is a solution to anything, get in your car and drive in any direction for an hour and talk to an ex Labour voter

Right now the UK needs 21stC Aneurin Bevan, not De-caff Neil Kinnock

Friday 24 June 2016

HM The Queen could provide an escape route from Brexit UPDATED

Ultimately Britain is a constitutional monarchy as well as a democracy. This provides a potential escape route from the Brexit disaster which would break up UK and EU.

It could justified by the fact that Leave won the vote with an extremely small margin

  1. Reigning Monarch dissolves current government (whose sitting PM is about to resign anyway)and calls for a general election
  2. New government after election refuses to invoke Article 50 kicking off the process
  3. Brexit never happens (unlikely - see bottom)

"The Queen previously wielded the power to dissolve Parliament and call a general election, but the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act put an end to that in 2011. Now a two-thirds vote in the commons is required to dissolve Parliament before a five-year fixed-term is up."
"While the overwhelming majority of the Queen's prerogative powers are devolved to her ministers, there is one exception that allows her to wield power herself. Only "in grave constitutional crisis," the Sovereign can "act contrary to or without Ministerial advice." With no precedent in modern times, it's not clear what would actually constitute this, but the possibility remains."

The Monarch functions as a major force for national cohesion. Not only does this give her the right to intervene on this extremely divisive issue, she would probably be the only voice that the Leave campaign would respect.

It would also be one in the eye for the tabloid newspapers which have falsely claimed she backed Brexit, and which have been the bane of the lives of the Royal Family for some time.

"A vote for Brexit will not be determinative of whether the UK will leave the EU. That potential outcome comes down to the political decisions which then follow before the Article 50 notification. The policy of the government (if not of all of its ministers) is to remain in the EU. The UK government may thereby seek to put off the Article 50 notification, regardless of political pressure and conventional wisdom."

There is an incredible theory that a Brexit won't actually happen even if the public votes for it

After a nights sleep I can't see a way of avoiding Article 50. The way the vote was formulated, with a simple majority required rather than 60-70%, was a recipe for disaster and national division. Even if the vote had gone for Remain with this margin I think we could still have been looking at serious disaffection and trouble (but without the massive worldwide political and economic consequences).

I can see a case for having Article 50 implemented by a new government in a hugely changed situation. Not a new government formed by a treasonous political entity which has no mandate to govern whatsoever.

If you claim to stand for the United Kingdom but enact measures which you know will break up the United Kingdom (via Scottish independence) you are nothing but an English National Party in hiding.

UK Independence Party to be renamed the UK Demolition Party (after Scottish Independence)

I respect Cameron's decision to hold the vote, but his judgement, in having the vote after 8 years of the worst austerity we've seen, created by a London based banking crisis, is worst decision by a British Prime Minster since the Suez crisis.

I'm even more annoyed with the Labour party.

Thursday 23 June 2016

The Engine Behind Brexit

I highly recommend this from Tuesday 24 March 2015 by Nicholas Watt and Patrick Wintour
to foreign readers bemused by the forces driving Brexit. It's a Long Read article from the Guardian, hardly a xenophobic tabloid. It would seem there are a large majority of Labour (and Conservative) people who have yet to read it.
I do still consider myself a Labour voter by the way.


"In the wake of the party’s defeat in the 2010 election, there was a brief mass mea culpa about immigration, but even now Labour struggles to explain to a core part of its electorate the decisions that were taken on its watch."

"Between 1997 and 2010, net annual immigration quadrupled, and the UK population was boosted by more than 2.2 million"

" In the early years of the Blair government, income levels in most of the 15 member states were on a par with UK levels. Migration from the three poorer EU members at the time – Greece, Spain and Portugal, which joined in the “southern enlargement” of the 1980s – was relatively low, thanks in part to the generous EU funding of infrastructure projects in those countries."

"In 2004, 10 more countries – eight of which had been part of the eastern bloc during the cold war – became members of the EU."  ..." In anticipation of the enlargement of the EU, Blair’s government took the precaution of asking academics to assess the likely levels of immigration from countries in central and eastern Europe that were noticeably less well off. Per capita GDP, as measured in purchasing power parity, of the eight new member states was less than half the EU average.
The report that was produced by the Home Office, published in 2003, did not predict a dramatic increase in immigration from Europe."

"The projection of 13,000 net migrants per year over a decade"...." was based on the assumption that all 15 EU countries would open their labour markets to the newcomers, ensuring that the migrants would be reasonably evenly distributed across the EU. In the end, just Britain, Ireland and Sweden opened up. "

"Virtually all politicians now agree that the failure to impose transitional controls was a mistake."
"“The research looked well founded and evidence based,” ...(Former Minister John Denham)... "says of the Home Office predictions. “It is what government is supposed to do. The whole irony of this is that in some respects Tony Blair was obsessed by immigration, particularly about illegal immigration and abuse of the asylum system, but on EU migration there was a catastrophic failure of the civil service machine.”

"The response from the Whitehall machine to Denham’s memo was largely indifferent. “I sent a warning message to government about the impact of immigration in Southampton, saying Whitehall was not picking up quickly enough what was happening on the ground, or what the wider electorate were saying in response,” he recalls. “To be fair to government, it was probably true the impact at the time varied enormously from area to area, and there was real uncertainty about how long the impact would last. The reaction to migration was seen very differently in London, for instance, to other places.”

"Outlining the impact on the everyday lives of his constituents, Denham argued at the time that resentment of immigration would grow. “One of the problems was that people were supposed to register if they were employed but many came as self-employed,” Denham says. “The biggest impacts were in self-employed trades like construction, where you didn’t have to register.” In the memo, Denham stated that the daily rate for a builder in the city had fallen by 50% since 2004. He also noted that hospital accident and emergency services were under strain because migrants tended not to use GPs as a first port of call. It also turned out that the local further education college had to close its doors after 1,000 migrants attempted to sign up for an English-as-a-second-language course on one day. Whitehall, Denham argued, was wholly out of touch with the concerns of his constituents."

"Jacqui Smith, who was home secretary between 2007 and 2009, when the financial crisis began, agrees with Denham that Whitehall appeared out of touch. “I can remember seeing Treasury papers that said if we limit migration we will reduce our growth. There is a justification for that argument at a macro level, but if you say to people, ‘You may have seen some changes on your high street but it’s OK for macro-economic growth and there will be cultural benefits in London, you sound like you don’t get it,” says Smith."

"Jack Straw is frank about the failures, particularly the official projection of a mere 13,000 net migrants a year from the new EU member states. “It’s a case study of how good intentions and apparently good research can lead government in the wrong direction. But it was a very significant policy failure, done with the best of intentions and in a serious way because we’d got the research.”

It ends with this

"Ed Miliband knows immigration can be a potent issue. But he tends to lean towards dry policy solutions, such as ensuring that employment agencies cannot discriminate in favour of migrant workers. If Labour is to reconnect with its traditional supporters, it may have to think how to respond to those who, in the words of Jack Straw, feel they have not had a fair deal in life as the country changed around them after a series of largely accidental steps."

- Two months after this article was published, Ed Miliband resigned as leader of the Labour Party after it was crushed in the 2015 General Election.

main reader demographic for this blog is probably bears

As I'm sure you are not aware, this blog has a very select readership.

It exists in a mysterious null space within the internet - apparently connected but somehow untouched by the torrent of internet traffic which flows by.

It may well be connected to the cafe in which Sapphire and Steel find themselves imprisoned.

Or perhaps the Phantom Zone.

And speaking of Krypton...

World In A Bottle Defined

I actually started this blog after I returned from Gibraltar in 2010. I'm usually based in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere and often find myself enclosed environments like music festivals. (I have yet to post content from TT Isle of Man 1993 and various Glastonbury Festivals 2005-8)

After I started posting I realised a very nerdy potential reference to the the miniaturised city of Krypton held within a bottle.

which should be a suitable signpost to the absent minded and intensely dorky nature of much of the content.

So this blog not only talks about little self contained worlds, it actually exists within one, which is nicely ironic and probably the way I prefer it.

Such is the supernatural lack of profile this site has, in one security meeting at my current contract we did discuss hiding all the sensitive data on the project here.

Despite the aura of inaccessibility which I have somehow cloaked the site with

(I can provide a quote for secure storage)

I do appear to have a set of regular strangely consistent monthly readers in Russia. (Hi Russia).  I can't think what the average, smart, over educated Russian finds interesting on here so I have a theory they may be a family of bears which have access to an abandoned building equipped with a working terminal and an internet browser stuck for years on this URL. Occasionally the bears bash the keyboard and refresh the screen.

Whatever - I welcome all types of ursine feedback

If you are a human being who finds himself here - welcome! You are in select company. Think of it as an exclusive hidden area for select contemplation,
a bit like the Diogenes Club,
but with bears.